On Wed, 15 Jul 2020 23:18:02 +0530, in gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user
Pankaj Rai <pamkajkumar64-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org> wrote:

>Thanks for letting me know the reasons, why its not working.
>I've already ordered a 16 gb sd card to use the latest image using sd card
>Anyway could please tell me how can i upgrade the emmc?

        The procedure for flashing the eMMC hasn't changed in years -- it
should be easy to find using a search engine.

        That said... My recommendation is to first make sure it is operating
from a recent image on the SD card. Run the "sudo apt update"/"sudo apt
upgrade" procedure and do any customizations on the SD card. When you are

        THEN edit the /boot/uEnv.txt file. Normally the last line in that file
is commented out. Removing the #s on the line will turn that image into a
"flasher" image. Reboot. It should run the flashing procedure copying the
SD card data to the eMMC.

WARNING: it is strongly recommended that you use a 5V 2A (or higher) power
supply on the barrel connector. Flashing the eMMC is a significant power
drain and USB power may not be reliable! (The standard specification for a
USB 2 connector is 5V 0.5A [and that is for the entire "hub", basically, if
you have a four port hub it can provide 5V 0.125A to each port, or 0.5A to
one port if the others are empty --
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_hardware#Power ])

NOTE: After flashing, you will have to remove the SD card and reboot. Do
NOT leave that SD card in the slot or you will just restart the flashing
process again. You have to put the #s back on that line to disable future
flashing attempts. That means mounting the SD card into a system that is
already booted, and maneuvering to the uEnv.txt file /on the card/ (you
don't want to accidentally modify the one on the running OS).

Dennis L Bieber

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