On Sat, 19 Sep 2020 02:42:19 -0700 (PDT), in
pietbeneke-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org wrote:

>I download some Ubuntu image from somewhere onto my Windows laptop. (I 
>decided that I might as well go to UBUNTU rather than the Debian it has, 
>while I'm at it).

        There is so much ambiguity there... The Beagle requires an
ARM-compatible image...


>I stick the microSD into the BBB and push some button to get it booting 
>from the microSD.

        You have to hold the boot select down while applying power to the board
-- as I recall, it doesn't take from a soft restart.

>So once I get it working again, I can transfer the UBUNTU image from the 
>microSD to the eMMC.

        I'd suggest the fastest way is to first start with a working Debian
image -- perhaps a flasher image to rewrite the eMMC. Then you have a base
machine to do the experiments in getting Ubuntu to work.

Dennis L Bieber

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