I have a solution that seems to work for our purposes.   

Thanks for all the suggestions and help.  I am going to keep learning the 
PRUs because I think we'll need them in a more sophisticated version of the 

This is a great community and I appreciate the patience with this neophyte 
to BB.

Here's the C code with some parts eliminated for simplicity.  

// *********************  ReadDetectors **********************************


void ReadDetectors(int TimeToRead)



    // initialize local variables

    struct timeval tv_start; //start time

    struct timeval tv_now; // current time 

    long total_elapsed_time_us;

    long start_secs;

    long last_secs;

    long last_usecs;

    long elapsed_us;

     int KeepReading = 1;


    start_secs = tv_now.tv_sec;

    last_usecs = tv_now.tv_usec;

    elapsed_us = 0;

    total_elapsed_time_us = 0;

    while (KeepReading)






          // update elapsed time




          if (tv_now.tv_sec >= last_usecs)  // this if/else code handles 
the situation where the microsecond value crosses over zero between reads.


              elapsed_us = tv_now.tv_usec - last_usecs;




              elapsed_us = (1000000 - last_usecs) + tv_now.tv_usec;   



          total_elapsed_time_us = (tv_now.tv_sec - start_secs)*1000000 + 
elapsed_us;   // this code adds microseconds for every second that has 
elapsed since the routine started.  In our case, we won't be in the routine 
more than 5 seconds ever.

          if (total_elapsed_time_us > TimeToRead) KeepReading = 0;




On Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 2:36:45 PM UTC-5 Walter Cromer wrote:

> Yes I did and it did not work on my system.   I don't remember why now. 
> On Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 1:47:29 PM UTC-5 Dennis Bieber wrote:
>> On Thu, 18 Feb 2021 08:27:48 -0800 (PST), in
>> gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user Walter Cromer
>> <walterc-2dFtBuzUeF/tpnmuczy8b...@public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> >I think if I could just find how to read the clock on the PRU with C, I 
>> can 
>> >probably take it from here. And of course, it needs to be giving me 
>> >milliseconds. From what I read the main clock functions don't work below 
>> >seconds.
>> Have you even looked at the link I posted some hours ago? Duplicated
>> below.
>> >On Wed, 17 Feb 2021 10:45:49 -0800 (PST), in
>> >gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user Walter Cromer
>> ><walterc-2dFtBuzUeF/tpnmuczy8bueocmrvltnr-...@public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> >
>> >>You are correct that this application does not need to know the actual 
>> real 
>> >>time but only the relative (elapsed) time since the subroutine began. 
>> I'm 
>> >>familiar with clock_gettime but didn't think it could give me subsecond 
>> >>information. I'll explore it!
>> >>
>> >
>> >https://www.tutorialspoint.com/c_standard_library/c_function_clock.htm
>> >
>> > The worst you may have to handle is the wrap-around in a long-running
>> >program.
>> According to the documentation, that function returns clock TICKS
>> (whatever the tick rate is for the system in question). If you know the
>> CLOCKS_PER_SECOND you should be able to compute the clocks per
>> millisecond...
>> https://linux.die.net/man/3/clock
>> or use
>> https://linux.die.net/man/2/times
>> or better
>> https://linux.die.net/man/2/clock_gettime in which the return structure 
>> is
>> -- 
>> Dennis L Bieber

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