Try logging in as user : debian
Password: temppwd

Check your spelling after u enter user name

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 27, 2021, at 7:12 PM, amf <> wrote:

I followed your instructions, once I obtained the new ip, I was able to login 
as the user of the origanl BBB.
Without knowing details of your setup it is difficult to help
is your desktop/laptop a windows or linux machine?
if linux you can get the ip of the new BBB with "ping <hostname>.local" 
provided 'avahi' is installed (there may be other ways, this works for me)

ping beaglebone.local
PING beaglebone.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.31 ms

if windows, someone else will need to chime in,

On Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 7:39:21 AM UTC-5 wrote:
I duplicated my BBB setup to a SD card using this procedure:

Debian distribution:

  1.  Boot master BBB with no SD card in
  2.  Insert SD card
  3.  Log in (e.g. with serial terminal, SSH etc.) and run sudo 
LEDs will flash in sequence whilst SD card is being written.
  4.  When the LEDs stop and the script terminates, remove the SD card.
  5.  Insert SD card into new BBB then power on.
  6.  eMMC will be flashed; LEDs on new BBB will flash in sequence until 

After doing this, I rebooted the BBB.

Now, I am unable to remotely log in using PuTTY, user is root, and root 
password.  Or any other username and password.

The BBB is running fine (collecting seismic data) but I am completely locked 

Any suggestions on how to get access to the BBB?

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