That reference Dennis provided especially the block diagram showing everything 
about both PRU have access to is essential and a good thing to really consume.
Note each PRU has instruction ram and data RAM.
Instruction ram is where a debugger or rproc loads your pru program.
Keep in mind any ADC register you used on ARM has a different address on PRU if 
you're porting code from ARM be careful.
That document Dennis linked to also explains the ARM does muxing. That's 
defined ar setting a pins function as in GPIO or ADC etc etc. So PRU can access 
the ADC register direct as in those Macro's you were asking about.
Lastly the memory map shows shared RAM
I'm almost positive that's the area the ARM can access so that's your gateway 
between the PRU and ARM. 
Be careful rproc may be using a chunk of that but theoretically you could write 
your results and ARM could read it but you need a queue and a Way to ensure 
only one side is accessing the Data.
This can be done many ways unless you're really comfortable you might look for 
something else to transfer data.
I know the rproc for x15 carves out shared memory and all this done I think in 
the device tree.
Here's the magic area 

| 0x0001_0000 | Data 12KB RAM 2 (Shared)

I'd start with a PRU  cookbook  ADC working example get that running then start 
asking about alternatives.
Maybe send back your ADC values to ARM while you change voltage input.
Dice the job up into manageable chunk's
Keep in mind you have no OS on PRU a main.c program will run once and exit.
Start getting familiar with every address important in your application on PRU 
and that document and exactly what you have to debug when PRU crashesPrintf etc 
Baby steps Warren the tortoise slow and steady always wins the race.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 3:20 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber<> 
wrote:   On Wed, 14 Apr 2021 08:03:30 -0700 (PDT), in
gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user Walter Cromer
<walterc-2dFtBuzUeF/> wrote:

> The TSC_ADC only has 8 channels.  So why are there 16 STEP registers? 

    So far as I can make out, since each step config includes the
input/channel, it means one can sample the same channel multiple times
during a sequence.

Dennis L Bieber

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