Your best bet.
Run your whole control loop on the PRU that's as realtime as you get. Use a 
foreground background loop. Use the ARM like a PC with Linux to access the 
system via ethernet.
You could also run control on ARM without linux but this way you have all the 
resources of Linux to access the system.
This assumes your output's from control loop are accessable from PRU.
The point is Linux can only run slow control loops and this way you don't have 
to debug the delay.
This wasn't obvious to me before as all the hard realtime systems I work on run 
an RTOS on ARM it has all the resources of Linux but cost $$$$$.
In our system we did that on the DSP the PID did the math on a fast DSP.
ARM is just a gateway to outside world.
Myself I'd debug the PRU with JTAG and CCS you can see exactly what's going on 
and dump these registers from CCS.
Some people like printf but with a PRU based system you are essentially doing 
There's videos on PRU development doing this online.
Loading code via rproc and using  printf is like burning and erasing an eeprom 
to test your changes. You wait 45 minutes for it to erase try your code and do 
it again.
Not for me.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 9:54 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber<> 
wrote:   On Mon, 12 Apr 2021 13:08:48 -0700 (PDT), in
gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user Walter Cromer
<walterc-2dFtBuzUeF/> wrote:

>What's really throwing me is the + between what looks like two macro 
>values.  Normally, we see the + on the right sign of the equals, right?  
>Or am I forgetting something I used to know!?

    Why? Take into account the ()s.

    From what I can tell, this is adding the ADC register offset to the
base address of the (?) wakeup register block, which is passed as parameter
to HWREG (no doubt some macro that sets up actual access to the SoC
registers and returns a pointer or some such), and then assigns 0x02 into
the register so indicated.

Dennis L Bieber

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