Red S wrote:
> thanks! :) 
> those do help explain something i'd seen before and not 
> understood about the importer i was trying to adjust to 
> work for my TDAmeritrade csv files. i was copying the 
> schwab csv investement importer and then modifying it to 
> work, but didn't get it to work. i may try it again now 
> - the description field has to be parsed to determine 
> the transaction type.
> Correct.

  made good progress today.  :)

  at least i finally got it to start processing a file so
i can work along and plug in the different transaction
types as i get through them.

> With TDAmeritrade in particular, it's still awesome currently because they 
> 1) provide ofx files (unlike Schwab), 2) provide it via a direct download 
> interface (scriptable, no browser needed).
> However, I can't recall how far back their ofx history goes. Many 
> institutions limit their ofx history, and are more generous with csv 
> history. I don't know how far back you need data either. If the dates you 
> need are available, I highly recommend using their ofx because it's far 
> better than csv 
> The ofx importer is already in beancount-reds-importers.

  right, but they don't have those files for export just 
csv files for a normal account holder.  perhaps the ofx 
files are available via their other platforms which i
don't use?  i don't directly download anything yet.  i'm
trying to get my history imported.

  the csv files i've been able to get go back to 2005 for
my oldest account, but it has been converted twice (when 
Waterhouse merged with Toronto Dominion and then again 
when TD merged with Ameritrade) and i don't know if they'll 
do it again or how far back but if they do i'll be 
interested to see what they do


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