Hi Blais,
Hi beancount list,

I am a long term beancount user but only lately got into how to work with 
beancount and stock trading.

I moved my stock trades from "normal syntax", like:

2023-11-18 * "Buy some"
    Assets:Stock +10 COOLSTOCK @ 10 EUR
    Assets:Bank:Account -105 EUR 

to the appropriate one

2023-11-18 * "Buy some"
    Assets:Stock +10 COOLSTOCK {10 EUR}
    Assets:Bank:Account -105 EUR 

because I just recently learned about how to actually use beancount for stock 

Now, my issue is that I buy ETF for a rather long time now, recurringly (each 
months 1st). That means that there are a lot of postings for ETFs. I know 
about the (experimental) "recurring" plugin, but I assume that this won't work 
here because of the everchanging prices.
Either way, I wouldn't actually use that plugin, because I auto-import 
transactions from my bank account and would need to filter out transactions 
that are already done by a recurring order.

But that aside, my question is about something different actually: Do I move my 
ETF postings from the first syntax (from above) to the second? It is not that 
this is quite some effort (vim scripting ftw) but rather that it becomes quite 
complex once I sell ETF again, right? Because I would essentially "match" my 
ETF against the buying orders, although I probably do not sell the exact same 
amount that I bought order-by-order!


* buy 100 EUR worth of ETF at 10
* buy 100 EUR worth of  ETF at 11
* buy 100 EUR worth of  ETF at 12
* buy 100 EUR worth of ETF at 13
* buy 100 EUR worth of ETF at 14
* buy 100 EUR worth of ETF at 15
* buy 100 EUR worth of ETF at 16
... years pass
Now I have to sell. ETF is at 50 now and I want to have 100 out of it every 
So what I do now is
* sell 100 EUR worth of ETF that I bought at 10

The first 5 transactions of this work perfectly well... because the amount I 
bought at 10 is now worth 500 of my currency. But after that I have to sell 
<some fraction> of what I bought at 11 to get out 100 and for the last bit of 
what I bought at 11 I also have to sell some fraction of what I bought at 12 
to get out 100 of my currency. And this gets even more complex in real-life 
because the ETF of course does not stay at 50 during my time that I am 
selling, but is still moving in price and also because/if I do not want to get 
out 100 but, say, 550 of my currency...

Does my logic check out?

Is there any "simple" solution to that? I can totally see the benefit of 
actually doing that calculation! It's just that I am looking for a less 
complex alternative to not burden my future self with work that might be 
unnecessary! :-)

I am really looking forward to your answer!
Thank you very much for beancount!
Have a great weekend,
best from Germany

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