Cheryl Kirkpatrick wrote:
: I took an online course that did a pretty good job of teaching the
: basics of Perl. At least, I hope that it did. However, the instructor
: had us use "" instead of teaching us how to store incoming
: data from a form to an array. I have since read that using ""
: is a bad idea.
: Should I use "" ? Why or why not?

You should not. You should use instead. It comes standard with
Perl, is far more powerful than, plays nicely with other
modules, and is better documented.

If I took an online perl class and they told me to use,
I'd ask for my money back. :)

In any case, you should definitely not be parsing the incoming form
data yourself, unless you want to find out how it works. There's too
many places to mess it up, and it's not likely that you'll come up with
a better solution than already exists.

-- tdk

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