On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Cheryl Kirkpatrick wrote:

> I took an online course that did a pretty good job of teaching the
> basics of Perl. At least, I hope that it did. However, the instructor
> had us use "cgi-lib.pl" instead of teaching us how to store incoming
> data from a form to an array. I have since read that using "cgi-lib.pl"
> is a bad idea.
> Should I use "cgi-lib.pl" ? Why or why not?

Don't use cgi-lib.pl because it is old and unsupported and rather limited.
CGI.pm is the standard Perl CGI module now, and comes with just about
every current Perl distribution.  Makes me wonder what else this teacher
taught that was outdated.  Hope you didn't pay money for it. :-)

See http://stein.cshl.org/WWW/software/CGI/cgi_docs.html for more details.

-- Brett

Brett W. McCoy
Software Engineer
Broadsoft, Inc.

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