
Perhaps I can join in the conversation?? Are you running apache as your
websever? If so, you can specify mutiple aliases so that the main /cgi-bin/
folder is aliased to other folders of your convienience.

If you need help, let me know.

Thomas Adam

----- Original Message -----
From: Hasanuddin Tamir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: CGI-BIN

> On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, Exile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> > Hi All,
> Hi Exile,
> > I 've try to write some CGI scripts, however, I have to put my scripts
> > cgi-bin..  so... anybody tell me what is this?
> The cgi-bin directory is by convetionally a place to put all CGI programs.
> It's provided so that you don't have to mess around with your everywhere
> scripts.
> > I mean.... anybody can tell me some concepts about redirect?
> There's nothing special about redirect.  It's, like the name implies,
> a mechanisme to redirect request from original URL to another one.
> >                                                              My most
> > is, I can't read write files in my home directory.
> You mean from the browser?  The browser requests certain resource to the
> server.  And like all processes, the web server runs with certain (usually
> low) privilege.  With this privilege, the web server doesn't get
> to access any files in your home directory.  Usually, it's not a problem
> though.  But if it is for you, you can ask the sysadmin about this.  Every
> system can have different way to implement this.
> > The other case is , is that cgi-bin is not a real folder? Is that
> > to hide my scripts from users?
> It could be real or virtual, depends on how the adminstrator arrange it.
> Files in cgi-bin are expected to be executed by the web server, not to
> be shown to the browser.  Is that you mean by hide your scripts from user?
> Or you mean (local) users, just like you?
> If the cgi-bin content is accessible (readable) by the web server, then
> other local user will likely be able to read the files in that directory.
> > Besides, is that the cgi script can be called globally within my
> > such as, I can put <form action=/cgi-bin/myscrip.pl method=post>
> Yes.  I can even call your /cgi-bin/myscript.pl from my computer provided
> that I know the base URL :-)  But it's not something you should worry
> about.
> s.a.n
> --
> Hasanuddin Tamir: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Trabas: www.trabas.com

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