--- Teresa Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am receiving the error: # Global symbol "in" requires explicit package name.
> File 'Hard Disk:Desktop Folder:DOCS:CWN:ADS UPLOAD:ademail.cgi'; Line 14
> I don't understand how I am supposed to correct this error, I tried 
> declaring with main::in, my $in but am only continuing to get the 
> error msg.
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use CGI qw(:all);
> $CGI::POST_MAX = 1_048_576; # 1 MEG FILE SIZE LIMIT
> ReadParse();
> print header;
> my $cgi = CGI->new;
> my $file = $cgi->upload( "ad" ) or error( $cgi->p( "No file uploaded." ) );
> my $format = $cgi->uploadInfo( $file )->{ 'Content-Type' };
> foreach my $i (keys%in)
> {    print "$i\n";
> }

For you code, CGI.pm has a ReadParse method that allows you to have backwards 
compatability with
cgi-lib.pl, but you need to explicitly import the function with:

use CGI qw/:cgi-lib/;

Since you are using the object oriented interface - $cgi->upload() instead of upload() 
-, you
don't need ':all' and I have left it out of the statement.  Also, :all does not import 
cgi-lib.pl functions (ReadParse PrintHeader HtmlTop HtmlBot SplitParam Vars) as they 
are only
included for purposes of backwards compatibility.

The reason that %main::in did not work is because that explicitly creates an %in hash 
in the
'main' namespace.  Declaring 'my %in' makes a lexically scoped variable that's private 
to the
block or file that it's declared in.  They are not the same thing.  The reason you can 
CGI::ReadParse and not declare the %in hash is because CGI::ReadParse exports this 
hash into the
same namespace that the calling routine exists in.  This is a bad practice, but the 
author did
this to maintain backwards compatibility with CGI.pm (though cgi-lib.pl only exported 
%in to main,
if I recall correctly).

Side note:  unless you are trying to upgrade legacy code, don't use ReadParse.  There 
are a lot of
problems with using it and it's good to get used to making $cgi->param calls for 
everything.  To
duplicate your final loop, you could do this (which also prints the value associated 
with each

foreach my $name ( $cgi->param ) {
    print "$name\t" . $cgi->param( $name ) . "\n";

Curtis Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
"Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/

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