On Tuesday 03 July 2001 19:42, RL Autry wrote:
> Hello everyone:
> We are new to this list, per, and a few other perl lists.
> Beginners of beginners you might say, but everyone needs a laugh every once
> in a while  :0)
> Anyway can someone please tell us why we might be getting the error shown
> at this url.
> We moved some scripts from a UNIX machine to a Windows2000 Server based
> machine.
> Many of the scripts say they "require uid", but our Server Admin doesn't
> know what a uid is.
> http://www.cyberdzyns.com/cgi-bin/websearch.cgi
> Thanks,
> RL

Unix uses the concept of  users and groups , a uid is an users ID ,  many 
scripts and programs use  these concepts to restrict access to a program or 
script. that is only certian users or groups idenified by a certain number 
may access or run a program.  Un fortunaly Windows does not have an equilvant 
function. You may wind  up having to search trouugh the scripts and remove 
them and use some other means of restricting access , like file placement in 
the directory tree.


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