If you paste a little code into your email we may be able to give you better advice.

The most common way though would be to use a "here" document inside of the script like 

if (your_condition eq 'T'){
    print <<EOF;
    Content-type: text/html
      <title>Your Page</title>

    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    etc... other HTML here
} else {
    do something else....

you get the picture.

Mark Bergeron

-----Original Message-----
From: "Srinivasan Kannan"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu Jul 05 12:14:47 PDT 2001
Subject: Opening HTML file from PERL

>Hai Everybody
>            Iam new user to PERL and Iam now doing a small project. In
>my project, HTML form values such as username and password are validated
>in a Perl file and depending upon the validation result, I'll be
>dispalying a new HTML file.
>My doubt is How to display a HTML file from a IF loop in a PERL file.

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