Don't know if this will help but I am doing something similar 

use strict;
no strict "refs"; 

my %DISPLAY = (
# *form value* => *sub name*     
           10  => 'Personnel',
           20  => 'DataCom',
           80  => 'Unisys',
           30  => 'IBM',
           100 => 'Unix',
           5251=> 'Oracle',
           90  => 'MS_Unisys',
           40  => 'MS_IBM',
           2610=> 'MS_Unix',
           410 => 'FRC',
           60  => 'MiscServ',


 my $sub = $DISPLAY{*form value returned*};
 &{$sub}(); # jump to sub to display requested report 

-----Original Message-----
From: Srinivasan Kannan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: July 05, 2001 15:15
Subject: Opening HTML file from PERL

Hai Everybody

            Iam new user to PERL and Iam now doing a small project. In
my project, HTML form values such as username and password are validated
in a Perl file and depending upon the validation result, I'll be
dispalying a new HTML file.

My doubt is How to display a HTML file from a IF loop in a PERL file.


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