At 23:14 08.07.2001 -0400, Jason Purdy wrote:

>I forgot the print $query->header part of the code.  I also updated the code
>to accept '0' values by grepping within the keywords.  I currently don't
>have to worry about multivalued parameters - I don't design my forms that

Ouch, I just got bitten by that bug --  what about a multiple select menu?  ie
<select name="MultipleSelectMenu" multiple size=2>
         <option value="1">1
         <option value="2">2

Now, I can select both values in this menu, and my query string will say


since I don't use for basic web stuff, I have my own function 
getting values out of the query string, and it was only giving me the last 
value of MultipleSelectMenu -- bad :(
Aaron Craig

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