At 09:22 10.07.2001 -0600, Ken Scott wrote:
>On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Aaron Craig wrote:
> > At 12:21 09.07.2001 -0400, fliptop wrote:
> >
> > >why reinvent the wheel?
> >
> > I like my wheel better? :)
>But a wheel is just a wheel. Why not use the one that exists, and leave
>your mental energy and talent available to solve your real problem at
>Just my opinion,

Agreed -- if your main goal is to solve the matter at hand and leave it at 
that.  If your main goal is to solve the matter at hand, learn something in 
the process, and create something of your own, then you have to re-invent 
the wheel, just because you can.

After having followed this thread, I realize that a) is a special 
thing for the Perl community b) Urging beginners to experiment with 
re-doing done code before they have a firm grasp on the basis is 
(justifiably?) frowned on

Perhaps it's my artistic nature, but I see nothing wrong with rolling your 
own if you do it for your own learning/enjoyment.  You may end up throwing 
it away in the end, but the experience you gain is important.  Painters 
start out copying the works of great artists -- no one tells them "don't 
bother, just use the Mona Lisa".

At any rate, this is an interesting discussion for me -- I've been writing 
Perl for a while, but I've gotten into communicating with the Perl world at 
large in only the past few months, and I'm interested in seeing how things 
work, especially for those that have been doing it a lot longer than I 
have.  I may ruffle feathers, but it's all in the name of learning :)
Aaron Craig

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