In this case, sub report_stats would only be called when 
the script gets a sigint.

Be sure to read perlipc and pay attention to the warnings

I don't think this will work under Windows, but I'm pretty
sure that Term::ReadKey will.


Thomas Jakub wrote:
> signal handling sounds interesting!  I'll have to play
> around with that tommorow, along with Readkey!  For
> signal handling, will it only go to the report_stats
> function if you kill it in some fashion, or will it go
> there when the program automatically ends?  If it
> doesn't, I can just make the end of the prgm, and the
> signal handler both call the same function, or
> whatever...  Well, thanks!  This looks really
> promising!
> --- Will Cottay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You might want to look at the CPAN module
> > Term::ReadKey.  It provides
> > for
> > non-blocking reads.
> >
> > Or, you could install a signal handler ie:
> >
> > $SIG{INT} = \&report_stats;
> >
> > while (1) {
> > ... your website checking code here ...
> >  }
> >
> > sub report_stats {
> >     $SIG{QUIT} = \&report_stats;
> >     ...Your stat reporting and exit code here
> > }
> >
> > and hit ^C when you want it to report and stop.

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