On Mon, 16 Jul 2001, Frank J. Schmuck wrote:

> I have apache set up on a Linux machine running Redhat 7.1 (local home
> network).  The install (from rpm) placed the directories as follows:
> /var/www/html
> /var/www/cgi-bin
> /var/www/icons
> I can point a browser to 192.168.xxx.xxx and I am taken to the /var/www/html
> directory and the file index.html is displayed showing that the apache
> install went ok.  I can replace that index.html file with another (or edit
> the original) to include a link to a script in the cgi-bin directory which
> is executed with the URL shown as
> http://192.168.xxx.xxx/cgi-bin/perlfile.cgi.
> However I can't point the browser to http://192.168.xxx.xxx//cgi-bin
> directly to execute a script.
> Any idea what is going on I appear to have the same permissions in both
> directories.

What error message are you getting?  What do the Apache logs have to say?
If you have a link of http://servername/cgi-bin/perlfile.cgi that you can
click on and run the script, you should be able to type that same url into
the browser and get the same result.  Are you sure you are typing in the
exact same url?

-- Brett

You're dead, Jim.
                -- McCoy, "Amok Time", stardate 3372.7

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