>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Bertram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Paul> 1. one error says "subroutine escapeHTML redefined at
Paul> line149". To my unexperienced eyes, it looks like that is the
Paul> only place it is defined, so why does perl think it is being
Paul> redifined?

CGI.pm defines it.  If you also define it, that's not good.

Best bet is to rename your subroutine and everyone that calls it
in your code.

Paul> The call to lock() is:
Paul>             my $fh = lock($GUESTBOOKFILE,1);

Paul> It looks to me like lock() requires two arguements and is
Paul> supplied them by the call.

I bet "lock" is the same name as a built-in, on windows.

Again, same rule here.  Hunt down all uses of lock, change them
to "my_lock" or something.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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