
Normally I would like to figure this out on my own, but I am working on 
the functionality
of certain parts of this cgi instead. I am having trouble with the 
following code bit:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w


use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard/;

my $cgi = new CGI;
my $pfile = "./pword";
my $admin = "jamesk\@ashlandagency.com";

#--------------------- Start Page --------------
#--------------------- Enter Your Stuff Below --

if(param()) {

print $cgi->h2("Thanks!");


print $cgi->h2("Login Please");                 # Level 2 header
print $cgi->start_form,                         # Start the Form
           "You User Name: ",br,
           textfield('username'),br,br,         # UserName Field

           "Your Password: ",br,
           password_field('pass'),br,br,        # Password Field
           submit("Submit"),  reset("Clear"),   # Submit and Clear
           end_form;                            # End the Form

#------------------ Stop Entering Stuff!!! --

And if I don't miss my guess, this should print out the form if no 
params are entered and print  out "Thanks" if they are. Right?

Well, initially it seems that it works right, but if I don't enter 
anything, and hit submit, I get the "Thanks!". I thought I got rid of 
that posiblity with the if(param()) { }else{} stuff, didn't I?


James Kelty
Sr. Unix Systems Administrator
The Ashland Agency

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