Hi, I would like to know how to remove escape characters from strings.
I use PHP and it has a function called StipSlashes (), that does exactly 
that, but I cannot seem to find anything similar in Perl. We have 
existing CGi scripts that read input from a web form, and then 
displays/mail the content of the text boxes to another user. If there 
are quotes or special characters in those text boxes, the person 
receives the mail with escape characters infront of htme, and I'd like 
to remove those.

Thanks for your help.

PS, could you pls be gentle, I've seen some of the regular expression 
command in Perl while looking for an example, and it's like Greek to me, 
so if you have time to explain exactly how to use it and what it does, I 
will become more self sufficient sooner, and will hence post less silly 
questions here...


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