I am opening a file and just want to check to make sure that the file is
being read correctly therefore I am using the following piece of code but
getting an error message but according to what I have read it is formatted

1. #/usr/bin/perl
2. #open a file with the filehandle
5. open WORKFLOW, "..\\..\\workflow.txt"  or die "Cannot open Workflow
6.      While (<WORKFLOW>){
7.      #chomp;   #a)
8.       my $line=$_;
9.      Print STDRR "\nline: $line";
10.     }

syntax error at test line 6, near "){"
Can't use global $_ in "my" at test line 8, near "=$
syntax error at test line 10, near "}"
Execution of test aborted due to compilation errors.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Thank you

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