
Can anyone help me with this codes ? I have tried
extracting HTML to plain text and then use a pattern
matching to extract the concordance lines.

Really hope someone can show what's wrong with the
attached code.

Thanks in advance,

#!usr\perl\bin -w

use strict;
use HTML::FormatText;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use CGI qw/:standard/;

$string = param('query');
my $file = 'C:\folder\backends.htm';

print header()
  ,start_html ('WebConcord')
  ,h1({-align=>center},'Web Concordance Search
  ,h2({-align=>center},"for search term '$string'")
  ,h4({-align=>center},"Producing output....\n");
  print h3('Examples of Usage : '),

sub get_html {
    my $file = shift;
    my $html;
    open(FILE, $file) or die "open: $!";
    $html .= $_ while <FILE>;
    close(FILE)       or die "close: $!";
    return $html;

my $html = get_html($file);
my $form = HTML::FormatText->new();
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();
my $text = $form->format($tree);
#print $text;

 my $text = "@text";
 @splittext = split(/$string/,$text);

#To extract concordance lines from text
 for (my $i=1; $i < @splittext; $i++)
    my $before = substr(('
      my $after = substr($splittext[$i].' 'x10,0,20);
      print p($before, strong($string), $after,"\n"),


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