Dear All,

I have a cgi script that uploads  two files and then it execute a
program using the system call. This program then uses the  uploaded
files as input, and then it generates a file that I am interested in
displaying in the web browser. Unfortunately, the system command does
not work and it makes the cgi to crash.
The log error message is the following:

[Wed Mar  6 20:32:11 2002] [error] [client] malformed
header from script. Bad header=Problems reading input file as:

However, if I try to run the program in the background as it follows:
system ("$program $dir/$file1 $dir/$file2 \&);  then cgi does not crush,
but unfortunately it does not wait to complete the job and I can not
open the results in the browser.

If someone has a solution for this problem, please let me know it.


PEDRO A. RECHE , pHD           TL: 617 632
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,  FX: 617 632 4569
Harvard Medical School,        EM: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
44 Binney Street, D1510A,      EM: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Boston, MA 02115               URL:

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