we're using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module,

i have for example a file test.pl which creates excel file on the same path.

test.pl is owned by reserv account.

$ ls -l test.pl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 reserv other 734 Mar 7 11:54 test.pl

$ ./test.pl
it successfully creates the file excel.xls on the same path..

now, i put the code in cgi file.
i also have a directory //webserver/reserv/cgi-bin which is owned by reserv

but when i put it in cgi, and execute it on browser,.it doesn't run.

i think the problem with this is on permission..

i cannot determine what user account cgi is using when running
script on the browser because the error generated in error_log
is same as the error when running test.pl using a different unix user.

can i change the user to execute the script using cgi? in this case i
want the user reserv to be used when executing this script....
or is there any other problem which i have no idea?

pls help..


Donn Policarpio
Systems Management Section
MIS Department

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