On 3/9/02 1:46 PM, Scot Robnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Scot,

> I'm trying to do a simple verification of an e-mail address format. I want
> to require:
> - 1 or more alphanumeric characters
> - followed by "@"
> - followed by 1 or more alphanumerics
> - followed by a dot
> - followed by 2-4 alphanumerics.
> (for example, .tv, .com, .info)

What about things like ".co.uk"? And what about things like
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>? I'm not that well-versed in what makes
an email address valid, but I'm sure more than a few valid email addresses
will be rejected by the above requirements.

> If the string doesn't fit these requirements, then I send them back to the
> form to re-enter the address. The problem is that using the code below, the
> program complains even when the address *is* formatted properly. Any ideas
> how I could reformat the expression better?


> ##########################################################
> if(($email !=~ /\w+[@]\w+\.\w{2}/) or ($email !=~ /\w+[@]\w+\.\w{3}/)
> or ($email !=~ /\w+[@]\w+\.\w{4}/))
> {
> print "Improperly formatted e-mail address! Please use your browser\'s back
> ";
> print "button and make sure the e-mail address is entered correctly. ";
> }
> ##########################################################

First off, I'd recommend reading through the "pattern matching" section of
the Camel Book (Programming Perl, by Larry Wall, et al, published by
O'Reilly) again. There's a lot to learn.

Now, a slightly better-working version of the code above:

#####   CODE   #####

unless($email =~ /^\w+(\.\w+)*\@\w+(\.\w+)*\.\w{2,4}\z/){
    # error stuff
    # email-ok stuff

##### END CODE #####

to examine that regex:


^        = the beginning of the string
\w+      = one or more word chars
(\.\w+)* = any number ("any number" includes zero) of sets of a dot and one
or more word chars
\@       = @ sign
\w+      = one or more word chars
(\.\w+)* = one or more word chars followed by any number of sets of a dot
and one or more word chars
\.       = a dot
\w{2,4}  = one or more word chars
\z       = the end of the string

I am NOT, however, saying that this regex necessarily matches all valid
email addresses, or that it screens out all invalid ones. It doesn't. And
nothing prevents users from entering something like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".



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