Hi, i've only just started Perl and CGI, so please forgive me if i ask
the obvious :-)

1) I've installed a couple of modules but with some of the i get
errors where the module TEST::More couldn't be found, and i can't find
it either.

2) Should i use text files for my data or dive straight into something
like MySQL? I'll propably need the SQL stuff later on, but is there
any general rule as regards to size/ number of lines/records?

3) I need to generate some graphics on the fly. If i use static images
i need to generate around 8000 files, but if i build them on the fly i
only need around 150. I haven't seen much in regards of graphics with
Perl, but is it feasible. (I'm downloading the Imagemagic module AWS

4) I'm looking at using cookies and authenticated logins, are there
any good (Well OK Easy :-)) demos around. 

I'm in the process of downloading the newsgroups, so Murphy propably
is already to kick my butt here!

Thanks for any help
Jamie O'Brien

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