On Sunday, April 21, 2002, at 12:25 , Jamie wrote:
> 1) I've installed a couple of modules but with some of the i get
> errors where the module TEST::More couldn't be found, and i can't find
> it either.

the CPAN can be your friend -


either your version of CGI.pm is 'old' and did not have this,
hence it is time to go to the CPAN and down load the modules.

{ that you are bench marking means that you are a cut above most! }

> 2) Should i use text files for my data or dive straight into something
> like MySQL? I'll propably need the SQL stuff later on, but is there
> any general rule as regards to size/ number of lines/records?

never build a database larger than the Disk Array can mirror,
with appropriate hot swappable redundent drives..... 8-)

{ always remember to organize your transitioning of mirrored
devices appropriately so that your OLTP transaction database
can be re-indexed as a decision basis database - for data mining,
so as not to degrade the performance of your OLTP but provide
a fast and reasonable turn around for data mining....

Or is that a bit over the top on the DB thing.... }

> 3) I need to generate some graphics on the fly. If i use static images
> i need to generate around 8000 files, but if i build them on the fly i
> only need around 150. I haven't seen much in regards of graphics with
> Perl, but is it feasible. (I'm downloading the Imagemagic module AWS
> :-))

which do you have more of: Disk or Processor..... You could always
use say a beowoulf cluster to front end for you... 8-)

> 4) I'm looking at using cookies and authenticated logins, are there
> any good (Well OK Easy :-)) demos around.

Two differentiable problems -

plan a) your apache server mandates authentication to access the
                cgi/perl_mod/tomcat stuff - hence you should not worry about it

                { unless you are making the 'browser side' player as well }

         b) your apache server is not doing this for you and you need to
                get up close and personal with perldoc MD5 - et al about
                how to do things like SSLv2 connections - so that you can
                protect the passwd in an encrypted form - as well as all of
                the basic backend DBfoo that goes with username/passwd

May I offer the Way Ugly, and do not try this at home - really
BAD way to make an 'all singing, all dancing' CGI/CLI piece
of code - where I of course had to 'login' to the server because
of plan a - rather than having done plan b - so I could leave
the core heavy lifting to the apache folks and the radius server.




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