I'm sorry, I don't understand your question very well.
Can you give an example?

By "standard-Perl only", do you mean only using
modules that come with Perl?

--- Sven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all!
> Can anyone give me a hint what I should do?
> I want to realize a search in the results of a
> previous search. So I
> need to name the users (ID) and store/pass the
> results.
> 1) How can I do this with standard-Perl only? (main
> question)
> 2) What would be the recommended way if no
> restriction?

"When you're following an angel, does it mean you have to throw your body off a 
building?" - They Might Be Giants, http://www.tmbg.com
Word of the week: Serendipity, see http://www.bartleby.com/61/93/S0279300.html

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