drieux wrote:

> one of the problems I keep bumping my head into
> is that fundamentally perl is a Kult - and as such
> tends to not always be a well organized kult - since
> they are never clear as to which are the true cannons of the faith
> and which are the apostate ramblings of the merely deranged.
> Is there an official site dedicated to the True Cannons of Perl?

by this, do you mean 'principles of perl'?

for example, as an engineer, i remember one of the things we discussed 
(in class and in a few newsgroups, way back when) was the 'principles of 
engineering'.  one that sticks out in my mind was "you can't push a rope".

so is that what you are referring to?  principles (or rules)?

that may be difficult, since (by default) the 1st rule probably would be 

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