On Tuesday, June 4, 2002, at 09:19 , David T-G wrote:
> %
> % Is there an official site dedicated to the True Cannons of Perl?
> Don't know about that, I'm afraid.  I'd love to see some analysis of best
> practices but,

I am intentionally avoiding fliptops remarks on the ground that
i fear if I reference 'engineer' too close to 'software' I will
be obliged to complain about the

        Harry Potter Syndrome

namely that now that Harry Potter is off in school - will he
come out as a traditional warlock - or will he become a 'warlock engineer'
and/or become obliged to be a member of a professional 'warlock engineering
association' as a part of the carRear development path. { not that
I consider this a religious issue..... }

but fliptop is also following down the expected line of 'best practices'
and the general principles of good coding... which I support as part
and parcel of beginner's mailing lists.

I think what I am looking for is the function

        let f(x) be a boolean function that establishes
                whether or not topic x is a matter of 'religion'
                more than of 'best practices' and/or 'principle'


        let g(x) be a function that returns the delta of x
                as a religious matter from principle, as opposed to the core
                component of x that is still within the scope
                of best practice ....


                my ($delta_oh_x, @list_of_canon ) = g(x);

such that we would do say

        my ($delta_oh_x, @list_of_canon ) = g(x) unless(f(x));

hence we could sort order all of the questionable bits....



for the apostate - 'canon' - with only one 'n' is the technical
term deriving from greek denoting a bar or the measuring rod -
hence - that which is 'canonical' ....

'true cannon' - with two 'n' in it - be, well, a rude way
of denoting that the defense of the faith may be with artillery....

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