drieux, et al --

...and then drieux said...
% volks,


% this is probably more an ethical question
% than a technical question - since over the
% plays here I have become better at reverse engineering
% what webServers want pushed at them in the way of URI
% by get or puts....


% but is it kosher to reverse engineer how various public
% web sites do this jazz - so that i merely wind up with
% a cron job that will summarize the evening search for
% jobs that are out there??? Hence in the morning review
% a single piece of email daily rather than click my
% way through all of them???

1) yes

I say that because, from your description, you're not going after
restricted content (maybe you'll get an account there to answer a login
challenge, a la techrepublic, but then you'll have done your part, too)
and not trying to break in, but merely optimizing your connection so that
you don't see the ads or read the non-matching fluff.  I already do half
of that by using lynx instead of netscape (heaven forbid ie :-) so that I
don't bother with images and am not subject to JS code and so on.

In the past I've said that it's pretty easy to have the site's search
agent go through the postings for you and then read the email that comes
in, particularly compared to writing a script that will go and get the
info for you, but it might not be easier for some :-)  That's even closer
to your stated goal; the mail I get from dice doesn't have any ads in it
(er, well, I don't think so; if it does, I now skip over them by
searching for the beginning-of-job marker and don't notice anyway :-) and
yet they're happy to send it to me.

Hacking your way around a .htaccess file, as an example, would probably
be another story, but I don't think that's within this scope.

2) i want a copy :-)

% ciao
% drieux


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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