
  David's explaining it pretty well, but let me take
another crack at it. I was in your position about a
year ago and got royally (and publically) flamed on
the perl beginners list by a security admin for
deigning to give CGI advice without knowing this, so I
got what you might call a crash course!

  As David says, the place that you can see the
"hidden" variables is in the page where the form is,
before you submit it. It is true that once you submit
it, you don't see them go, and once you arrive at the
target script, they are not available. But they can be
discovered by looking at the page source before

  So what? The user can't change the page source,
right? Well, wrong. Anyone could save a copy of the
page to their own file system, modify the "hidden"
values there, and submit that modified page to your
server! Your server script may or may not be checking
the "referer" [sic] environment variable to ensure
that only submissions originating from your site are
valid. If it's not, this bogus and potentially
malevolent request would get right through!

  But wait, there's more! Even if your script *did*
check the referer, that's no protection either! An
experienced programmer can easily use Perl's LWP
module or its equivalent in some other language to
make the request with a faked referer variable. So
really, POST variables are no more secure than GET
variables, it just takes a little more doing to fake

  Does this matter in your situation? If it's a
session id, it seems to me that either it's the
correct session id that you gave them, or it's
something else they made up, in which case it's
probably invalid and so your script will just ignore
it or throw an error. (It's theoretically possible I
suppose that they might guess a number that's someone
else's current session id, but that seems extremely
unlikely.) And if you're passing it to log them off,
even if they attempt to use it again, they'll be
logged off by then, so it won't work anymore anyway.
(But then, why does it even matter if it's hidden or

  So in the end, it's your decision. But it's
important that you understand it all so that you can
make an informed decision.

   By the way, I'm still not a security expert, so
don't take my word as the final one either!

- John

--- Marty Landman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 06:06 AM 6/25/02 -0500, David T-G wrote:
> >If the variables are in the page to be in the form
> to be
> >sent back via POST, then the user can find them,
> period.
> >
> >Try it yourself: set up something via POST and then
> surf to the page
> >and then "view source" or the equivalent in your
> browser (and if there
> >isn't an equivalent then find a browser, even if
> just for a moment,
> >that DOES have it) and look and see your data
> hanging right out there
> >for all to see.
> David,
> Sorry but I don't get what you mean here. When I
> have a page call a program 
> with info from a form being posted then the program
> picks up the data and 
> then creates whatever output web page is
> appropriate. The posted data comes 
> in via STDIN so unlike a GET where the data is
> actually part of the URL, in 
> a POST it isn't viewable from the browser.

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