Hi all, 

This is a mess now... I even have no concept on how to start.....
I will working on something like this....

There are 2 interface as input. One is a Web interface, which will accept
HTML tag and plain text by POST method, but by GET method, the input
would be an URL. Another One is a mail box, like [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
maybe that's not really an interface, just a input channel.
So, there are 3 sources will be needed to handle. GET, POST and Mail box.

Then , whatever GET, POST, or Detected mail arrival, they will write into
a log for waiting handle. What the meaning of handle is to FAX it out.


Problems  :

Q1) For Get method, How can I get the whole content of an URL ( including 
image and html  layout ) and save it to my temp directory ?

Q2) For Detecting mail arrival, I can do this. But how can I fetch those attachment
data (Excel, Word) and dump to my printer driver (actually WinFax) ?

Q3) How can I detect how many attachment(s) in a mail ?  Because I would like
to treat no attachment and attached more then 1 file as error.

Q4) Refer to Q2, should I firstly split the attachemt file to a temp folder at first ?
If so, how can I PICK UP the attachment from the mail ?


Any advice, module recommend, are very welcome.

Thanks a lot,
Connie in sick >_<''


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