> I'm trying to get the "put" function from Netscape, to work with Apache.

What is the "put function" ?

> I have a windows OS (NT server), and I'm using the windows version of perl
> as a cgi script interpreter.  The problem is, the put script won't work
> with perl.

Have you correctly set the parameter which let Apache know where is your
cgi-bin is ? and in your code, have you state #!C:/blah/blah... / -wT
correctly ?
Did your success for some simple test, just like print 'hello world' ?

> I just get "server error" messages, because perl doesn't like
> the commands, or the syntax, in the scripts.

Do you mean 500 Server error ? but can you sure there are no error inside
the code ? did you turn on warnings ? and use die "..." ? and did you print
header (ie. print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" ) ?

> I found the scripts from a web site, and a book on Apache.  I'd like to
> first try just finding another put script that will work with perl, in
> windows.

So what's the code ? Would you show us ?

> Are there any sources for cgi scripts, I might look at?

There are a lot if you search it by a google engine. But what do you want ?


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