On Thursday, July 18, 2002, at 07:53 , Shawn wrote:

> [..]  I use Win2K, OS X, and *nix, but to say "Maybe you should get rid 
> of MS Windows" a not even an option for most businesses.  Be prepared 
> when *nix gets to a point of the average Joe being able to use it for the 
> viruses to start appearing on non-MS platforms.

Another way of going around this would be:

        a) if people would adopt appropriate security precautions
                AND maintain them, then it is not the OS's "fault".

        b) Some forget that in early Mac there were a lot of people
                who had too much fun creating 'virii' because of defects
                in the 'resource fork' model that Apple adopted to make
                their 'platform' "user friendly".

        c) Some may even recall 'the internet worm' that 'escaped'
                from 'the lab' - and brought major chunks of the internet
                by being 'adaptable' and capable of exploiting holes in
                multiple classes of *nix OS's

So we have seen this process before, on other 'platforms' -
and we keep revisiting it time and again as people keep
producing 'user friendly' "web applications" - without
regard for the 'security issues' - and/or simple Quality
Control standards that would prevent most of the problems.

The cheap excuse of 'blame M$' and/or 'joe six pack' may
be emotionally re-assuring - but they do not focus on
means and methods of 'solving' the root problems.

        r1: If people do not keep their systems and virii
                        detection software/hardware/firmware up to date,
                then they leave themselves exposed to problems.

        r2: As long as people 'share information' there will be
                        vectors of infections - including software virii
                        as well as 'urban legends'....

        r3: As long as there are Coders, there will be new Software,
                        some of it will have unintended consequences, these will
                        either be 'security holes' or 'features' - depending upon
                        how marketting 'sells' them.

        r4: As long as people can Code, some will code with malice of 
                        others will code without any regard for thought at all.

        r5: There are people doing 'coding' who do not think of themselves
                        as 'coders' - because they are 'web artists' - or it is just
                        a simple script that does....

                        If It Runs in a 'Universal Turing Machine' -
                        Then Deal with the reality that 'it is code'!

IF we could stop the Coders,
Then we could stop the Problems.

So why not advocate:

        Find a Cure for Software Development!
                Now, More than Ever! For reasons of
                        national security! Patriotism! and
                                to protect the innocent children!!!
                                        Think of the Children!!!!!

Or maybe, I don't know, keep working on the solutions we can?



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