Unless we are all running linux and mozilla and don't worry about such 
things ;-)............(oh if only that could be)

John wrote:
> All,
> I am subscribed to both the Perl- and CGI-Beginners lists and get a ton of
> your very informative questions and (what's best <g>) answers every day.
> I run Norton's anti-virus which I keep up-to-date with the latest virus
> signatures.
> I can't remember having *ever* received a virus warning when looking at mail
> from either of these two lists. Might I humbly suggest that the original
> poster of the virus warning look to other possible contamination points on
> their system?
> It would seem to me that if any one of us received a virus laden e-mail from
> this list, that we'd all get it at the same time causing many alarms to be
> sounded -- instead of just the one lonely voice in the wilderness?
> Just a thought...
> John--
> Vice President / Chief Technical Officer
> Small Business Help Center, Inc.
> http://www.helpbizowners.com

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