I have inherited a project based on more scripting languages than I knew
existed, and I have very little Perl experience. I have a CGI script that is
calling an HTML template (to display). The html template has the following
script embedded in it. It doesn't appear to behave like Perl. I am trying to
add a simple if statement to another similar section but it's not
cooperating. Any help would be much appreciated.

{{IF domains}}
    {{LOOP domains}}
      {{IF tld eq "COM"}}
      <td class=sans><b>{{term}}</b></td>
          {{IF avail}}
      <td class=sans valign=middle align=center>
<input type=checkbox name=domain value={{domain}}>
      <td class=sans bgcolor=E0E0E0>
<b><font color=FF0000>SOLD!</font></b>
    {{IF tld eq "ORG"}}

Lon Lentz
Applications Developer

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