When you look at the following Perl program which probes a NT domain for
servers using Win32::NetAdmin::GetServers, and runs
Win32::AdminMisc::GetDriveSpace( $UNCPath ) to retrieve disk utilization,
how do you see the data getting written to "$my_dir/DiskSpace.txt" found in
the subroutine show_it and the end of this script?  As a rookie Perl guy,
I'm thinking it is in the statement  print '<form method=post
action="../../cgi-bin/users/get_dir_sec.pl">';  of the get_info subroutine.
Correct? or not.

The statement below the post,  print '<input type="hidden" name="qrytype"
value="dir">'; looks like it is applying all of the
results of the Win32::AdminMisc::GetDriveSpace( $UNCPath )  disk space
information to the get_dir_sec.pl, no?

Finally, how would the script that you post to, in this case get_dir_sec.pl
be written to receive the data and write it to "$my_dir/DiskSpace.txt"?

Thanks in advance for your help,
#!perl -w

# amonotod
# 15 Oct 1999
# drive_space.pl, for use on WinNT Servers
# Partly mine, partly by others...
# Thank you to the others!
# The stuff in the BEGIN block will be executed very early
   # on, even before the rest of this script is parsed.
   BEGIN {

       # Use the CGI::Carp module and import the carpout() function.
       use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);

       # Send warnings and die messages to the browser.


use Win32::NetAdmin;
use Win32::AdminMisc;

my $Domain = 'ROSENET';
my $Flags = SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL | 0x00008000;
my ( @Servers, @Alphabet, $Server, $UNCPath, $Count, $Date );
my ( $Total, $Free, $Used, $TotalMod, $UsedMod, $FreeMod, $Warning );

$Date = localtime();
$my_dir = "d:/www/cgi_bin/users";


sub print_html{
 print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

sub get_info{
 Win32::NetAdmin::GetServers( '', $Domain, $Flags, \@Servers ) ;#or die
"Can't get servers from domain $Domain: $!";
 foreach $Server ( sort( @Servers ) ) {
   print "<h2>Drives on $Server:</h2>\n";
   #print "$Server<br>\n";
   print '<form method=post action="../../cgi-bin/users/get_dir_sec.pl">';
   print '<input type="hidden" name="qrytype" value="dir">';
   #print "\n";
   @Alphabet = ( "a".."z" );
   $Count = 0;
   while ( $Alphabet[$Count] ne "" ) {
     $UNCPath = "\\\\"."$Server"."\\"."\_"."$Alphabet[$Count]"."\$";
     if ( ( $Total, $Free ) = Win32::AdminMisc::GetDriveSpace( $UNCPath ) )
       if ( ($Total + $Free) > 0 ){
         print "<br>\n";
         print '<input type="radio" name="dir"
         #print "$Total $Free<br>\n";
       $Used = $Total - $Free ;
       $Warning = ( ( $Used / $Total ) * 100 );
       if ( $Total > "1000000000" ) {
         $TotalMod = $Total/1000000000;
         $TotalMod = substr ($TotalMod,0,4);
         $TotalMod = $TotalMod." GB";
         print "$TotalMod Total disk space<br>\n ";
       } elsif ($Total < "1000000000") {
         $TotalMod = $Total/1000000;
         $TotalMod = substr ($TotalMod,0,4);
         $TotalMod = $TotalMod." MB";
         print "$TotalMod Total disk space<br>\n";
       if ($Free > "1000000000") {
         $FreeMod = $Free/1000000000;
         $FreeMod = substr ($FreeMod,0,4);
         $FreeMod = $FreeMod." GB";
         print "$FreeMod Free disk space<br>\n";
       } elsif ($Free < "1000000000") {
         $FreeMod = $Free/1000000;
         $FreeMod = substr ($FreeMod,0,4);
         $FreeMod = $FreeMod." MB";
         print "$FreeMod Free disk space<br>\n";
       if ($Used > "1000000000") {
         $UsedMod = $Used/1000000000;
         $UsedMod = substr ($UsedMod,0,4);
         $UsedMod = $UsedMod." GB";
         print "$UsedMod Used disk space<br>\n";
       } elsif ($Used < "1000000000") {
         $UsedMod = $Used/1000000;
         $UsedMod = substr ($UsedMod,0,4);
         $UsedMod = $UsedMod." MB";
         print "$UsedMod Used disk space<br>\n";
   print '<br><h2>Username and password required for access to security
   print 'Username: <input type=text name=username size=25
   print 'Password: <input type=password name=password size=14
   print '<input type=submit value="Get Info">';

sub show_it {
 open (MY_RESULT,"$my_dir/DiskSpace.txt");
 $show_it_inc = 0;
 while (<MY_RESULT>) {
   $show_results{$show_it_inc} = "$_";
 close (MY_RESULT);

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