Kyle --

...and then Kyle Babich said...
% I wrote the attached script not realizing that when I open() files it
% would return the 1 when it was sucessful.  How would I open a file


% without the 1, or anything else besides the content of the file, being
% returned?

Just don't capture the result if you don't care; I see that you

  $content = open( INDEXDEF, "<index.html" ) || die( "error:  open INDEXDEF failed\n" 
#  flock ( INDEXDEF, LOCK_EX );
  seek( INDEXDEF, 0, 0 );
  while( <INDEXDEF> )
    print $_;
#  flock ( INDEXDEF, LOCK_UN );
  close( INDEXDEF ) || die( "error:  close INDEXDEF failed\n" );

so you're reading the actual content in your while() loop; either skip
the $content trap or look at it as $success instead of $content.

From what I can tell you expect to capture "the whole file" for printing
later but, in the meantime, you also print it line by line.  Is doubled
output your intent?

It looks like your procedure is the same for every file except for the
name of the file you open.  Why not put your open / flock / seek /
while() / unlock / close (BTW, why bother with locking when you only
read?) in a function and pass it the filename, a la

  if ( $con eq "" || $con eq "index" ) { dofilemagic("index.html") }
  if ( $con eq "index2" ) { dofilemagic("index2.html") }
  if ( $con eq "main" ) { dofilemagic("main.html") }

(though I'd prefer to use the lovely Switch module from CPAN in this sort
of case)?

% Thank you,
% --
% Kyle


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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