On Fri, 30 Aug 2002 at 10:32, Jimmy George opined:

JG:Is there any way of encrypting a credit card number etc. so that it can
JG:not be seen when being transmitted from desktop to server? The user
JG:needs to see what they type to make sure it is correct - so how do we
JG:get cgi to encrypt that at the user end before transmission.
JG:I have read some books about it but all we appear to be able to do is to
JG:encrypt the received raw number before storing it so that the file it is
JG:kept in cannot be opened and read. Is that the limit right now?
JG:Any ideas or places to look?

you could use FreezeThaw and store all the info associated with the credit
card (number, exp date, address, name, etc) as a string.


or, you can use one of the Crypt:: modules.


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