Thanks for your help Robin,

      Being very lazy I am going to try do

This in a way where I don't have to have a submit

For each row.  I'll keep your suggestion as a backup

If the other doesn't work.



-----Original Message-----

From: Robin Cragg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 

Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 12:54 AM

To: Maureen E Fischer

Subject: Re: Indexing multiple records for potential updates



Hi Maureen ,



All you need is a PRIMARY KEY (eg an auto_increment column) in your

table. Then, places each row in it's own form. , with all the table

in textboxes, and a submit button at the end of each row. If you have a 

hidden field in each row containing the unique index, then when you

on submit after changing a value, you get:


$do = "UPDATE Table SET Column1 = \"" . param("Column1") . "\", Column2

\"" . param("Column2") . "\" ... WHERE ColumnIndex = " . 

param("ColumnIndex") . ";";






At 22:08 09/09/2002 -0700, you wrote:




>         I'm working on a Perl CGI program that must update

>A mysql database.  The user enters key information that

>Is used to display zero to many records.  Then the user

>Can update or delete any number of records displayed.

>I sucessfully displayed multiple records and have output

>Them such that they can be modified.  I'm not sure

>Though when I submit the screen how I go through the

>Multiple records.  I can't seem to find any examples in

>The books that I have.  I output the multiple records using

>A while and fetchrow_array.  I don't have any code to show Because I am

>at a loss as to how to start.  Perhaps I can Just get the entire screen

>into one big field that I can Manipulate?  Sorry if this is a really 

>dumb question. Maureen





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