I am running -via cron- a program that catch a webpage and send me the result as a mail.

It is something like that:

use LWP::Simple;
$cResult = get('http://www.some.sit/cgi-bin/status.pl?condition=true');
open (MAIL, "/usr/lib/sendmail -s /"test/" [EMAIL PROTECTED]");
print MAIL "To: me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/n";
print MAIL "Content: $cResult/n/n";
close (MAIL);

but, if I see the page directly, I see it correct. If I use the above program,
many of the lines appear truncated. Here is part of the result -note that
the lines are truncated before the TD close -

<P><H2>5to Sol</H2>
<TD bgcolor="#B0C4DE"
<TR><TD bgcolor="lavender"
<TR><TD bgcolor="lavender"

Any idea about what is happening?


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