On Sat, 16 Nov 2002 09:38:02 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Alejandro
Ceballos Z.) wrote:

>use LWP::Simple;
>$cResult = get('http://www.some.sit/cgi-bin/status.pl?condition=true');
>open (MAIL, "/usr/lib/sendmail -s /"test/" [EMAIL PROTECTED]");
>print MAIL "To: me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/n";
>print MAIL "Content: $cResult/n/n";
>close (MAIL);
>but, if I see the page directly, I see it correct. If I use the above 
>many of the lines appear truncated. Here is part of the result -note that
>the lines are truncated before the TD close -

I will hazard a guess that you are printing the $cResult as part
of your content-type header.

Maybe try something like this:
print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n";
print MAIL "From: $from\n";
print MAIL "To: $to\n";
print MAIL <<END;
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit



Notice the blank line before $cResult, it's important.

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