As a relative newbie myself, it appears that you have in essence applied a
variable to a variable.  I typically use the format

my $name=param("name");

when I have a form that has a field called name.  This form field value
(andrew for example) would be stored in param("name") which is then stored
in the variable $name.  Based on your code snippet, you do not appear to
have a value in either holder $name or param("name").

As I said earlier, I am pretty new at this too.  Others please jump in.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Bandy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 1:43 PM
Subject: question about uninitialized variable

Hello everyone,

Fairly new to the list here (and perl), so if this is an inappropriate
post, please forgive me. I've got the Learning Perl book plus a few
others...but I'm still scratching my head over this one.

Just a beginning test page where the end-user submits a name and gets a
page back with that name in it.  The page works,however, the warning I
keep getting is:

"Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string..."

I also noticed this same type of warning when I attempt to take the same
thing (user input) and try to compare it to another variable, using this
example--> $my other variable=~/$name/ operator. I can't get anything to

Here is a snippet of code that will generate the error messsage above:

#!c:\Perl\Perl5.00402\bin\perl.exe -w
#Set Perl Parameters
#use strict;
#The module will take input from the form and process it for you.
use CGI qw(:standard);
my $name=param("name");

print "<h2>You entered: $name <p>\n";

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide a newbie.


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