On Friday, Mar 7, 2003, at 10:42 US/Pacific, Tony Bandy wrote: [..]
Just a beginning test page where the end-user submits a name and gets a
page back with that name in it.  The page works,however, the warning I
keep getting is:

"Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string..."

that error message should also have a line number. that would help point to which specific line is causing the problem. [..]

Here is a snippet of code that will generate the error messsage above:

#!c:\Perl\Perl5.00402\bin\perl.exe -w
#Set Perl Parameters
#use strict;
#The CGI.pm module will take input from the form and process it for you.
use CGI qw(:standard);
my $name=param("name");

print "<h2>You entered: $name <p>\n";

assuming that the 'uninitialized value' error
occurred in the print statement, then
clearly what got to you did NOT have a 'name'
parameter in the query.

One strategy would be:

my $name = param("name");

$name ||= '';

so that if there was no name parameter then it
will 'initialize' $name to an empty string.

Note from the perldoc CGI as of 2.63 it should
have returned an 'empty string' if the query had
been of the form
        "name1=&name2=" or "name1&name2"

so you can check for the version with say

[jeeves: 90:] perl -MCGI -e 'print $CGI::VERSION'
2.56[jeeves: 91:]

ciao drieux


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