--- Kim Forbes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I created my first Perl script from book and internet sources. I tried it out at 
> home and it
> worked fine.  I then uploaded it to work's Apache server, changed the permissions, 
> and put it in
> the cgi-bin folder.  Now I get a "Premature end of script headers" message.  Can 
> anyone tell me
> more about this error message and reasons for it appearing.

Hi Kim,

Could you please show us the code?

Also, when you say you tried it out at home, did you run it from a command line or did 
you run it
through a Web server.  Each can behave significantly different from the other one.


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Web Programming with Perl:  http://users.easystreet.com/ovid/cgi_course/
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