  You don't have a response set at execute.  You have
a reference to a responce set.  You need to use DBI
methods to access the results.  Try this...

my $hash = {};  
while (my $rows = $response->fetchrow_hashref){
  $hash->{$rows->{task_ID}} = $rows;


use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper $response;
--- Greenhalgh David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi all,
> I have a script which mostly works, but when I get
> to the part with 
> hashes, it stops. I'm obviously doing something very
> basically wrong, 
> but I can't see what. (been staring at so long it
> could be anything.) A 
> segment of the code is below:
> #!/usr/local/perl -wT
> use strict;
> use CGI;
> # Do some stuff to identify the value of $marker
> which will be a number
> # Do MySQL query to grab the data to be manipulated
> my $dbh=connect(DBI:mysql:database, "user",
> "password");
> my $query=("SELECT task_ID, priority FROM task_list
> WHERE priority 
>  >$marker");
> my $reponse->prepare($query);
> $response->execute;
> # $ response should now contain a
> # reference to a hash filled with task_ID, priority
> pairs
> # Dereference $response
> my %hash=%($response);
> $response->finish;
> # Subtract 1 from each value in the hash
> my ($key, $priority, %newhash);
> foreach $key (keys(%hash)){
>       my $priority=$hash{$key}--;
>       %newhash=($key, $priority);
>       }
> # Put the new $priority values into the MySQL table
> $query=("UPDATE task_list SET priority=? WHERE
> task_ID=?");
> $response->prepare($query);
> foreach $key (keys{%newhash}){
>       $priority=$newhash{$key};       
>       $response->execute($priority, $key);
>       }
> $response->finish;
> # Test the result
> print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
> $query=("SELECT" task_ID, priority FROM task_list");
> $response->prepare($query);
> $response->execute;
> while($key, $priority){
>       print "Priority: $priority Task Ident:
> $key<br>\n\n";
>       }
> Would someone be patient enough to point out the
> mistake?
> Thanks
> Dave
> -- 
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