On Wed, 28 May 2003 01:00:51 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nicholas Davey)

>The problem I am having is this: When I pass a parameter via a URL, my
>script isnt picking it up, and my if statement is working.
>Here is the basic idea behind my script (all PERL standards are followed on
>my host. The only things I cant do it fork and accept incomming
>http://www.blah.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi?login=yes (DONT go here, example only)
>[ output HTML headers and top of page here ]

Always show all your code, so we don't have to guess.

>if (login eq 'yes') {
>    [ output login form here ]

Have you extracted the $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} in the missing
code from above, otherwise how does 'login' get the 'yes' value?
Also, 'login' is not a variable, $login is what you want.

>[ output bottom of page here ]

Show us the whole code, and cut'n'paste it in, don't just type
in some flowchart.

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